Source code for innoconv_mintmod.mintmod_filter.elements

"""Convenience functions and classes for creating common elements."""

from textwrap import shorten
import panflute as pf
from innoconv_mintmod.constants import ELEMENT_CLASSES, QUESTION_TYPES
from innoconv_mintmod.utils import (
    destringify, parse_fragment, extract_identifier, remember_element, log)

[docs]class Exercise(pf.Element): """ Wrapper/Factory class that inherits from pf.Element and will return pf.Code instances, with special classes and attributes, depending on the given mintmod class. """ __slots__ = ['identifier', 'classes', 'attributes'] def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): """ The __new__ function expects a keyword argument with the key 'mintmod_class' that specifies the type of exercise in the mintmod converter. """ mintmod_class = kwargs.get('mintmod_class', None) oktypes = kwargs.get('oktypes', None) cmd_args = args[0] if mintmod_class is None: raise ValueError("Expected named keyword arg " "mintmod_class in: {}".format(kwargs)) if mintmod_class == 'MLQuestion': classes = ['exercise', 'text'] attributes = parse_ex_args( cmd_args, 'length', 'solution', 'uxid') attributes.append(['questionType', QUESTION_TYPES['EXACT']]) elif mintmod_class == 'MLParsedQuestion': classes = ['exercise', 'text'] attributes = parse_ex_args(cmd_args, 'length', 'solution', 'precision', 'uxid') attributes.append( ['questionType', QUESTION_TYPES['MATH_EXPRESSION']] ) elif mintmod_class == 'MLFunctionQuestion': classes = ['exercise', 'text'] attributes = parse_ex_args( cmd_args, 'length', 'solution', 'supporting-points', 'variables', 'precision', 'uxid' ) attributes.append(['questionType', QUESTION_TYPES['MATH_FORMULA']]) elif mintmod_class == 'MLSpecialQuestion': classes = ['exercise', 'text'] attributes = parse_ex_args( cmd_args, 'length', 'solution', 'supporting-points', 'variables', 'precision', 'special-type', 'uxid' ) attributes.append(['questionType', QUESTION_TYPES['SPECIAL']]) elif mintmod_class == 'MLSimplifyQuestion': classes = ['exercise', 'text'] attributes = parse_ex_args( cmd_args, 'length', 'solution', 'supporting-points', 'variables', 'precision', 'simplification-code', 'uxid' ) attributes.append( ['questionType', QUESTION_TYPES['MATH_SIMPLIFY']] ) elif mintmod_class == 'MLCheckbox': classes = ['exercise', 'checkbox'] attributes = parse_ex_args( cmd_args, 'solution', 'uxid' ) attributes.append(['questionType', QUESTION_TYPES['BOOLEAN']]) elif mintmod_class == 'MLIntervalQuestion': classes = ['exercise', 'text'] attributes = parse_ex_args( cmd_args, 'length', 'solution', 'precision', 'uxid' ) attributes.append( ['questionType', QUESTION_TYPES['MATH_INTERVAL']] ) if oktypes == pf.Block: return pf.Div(classes=classes, attributes=attributes) return pf.Span(classes=classes, attributes=attributes) def _slots_to_json(self):
return [self._ica_to_json()]
[docs]def create_content_box(elem_content, elem_classes): """ Create a content box. Convenience function for creating content boxes that only differ by having diffent content and classes. """ if not elem_classes or elem_classes == []: msg = 'create_content_box without element classes: {}'.format( elem_classes) raise ValueError(msg) if not elem_content or elem_content == '': msg = 'create_content_box without element content: {}'.format( elem_content) raise ValueError(msg) div = pf.Div(classes=elem_classes) content = parse_fragment(elem_content) # Check if environment had an \MLabel identifier content, identifier = extract_identifier(content) if identifier: div.identifier = identifier div.content.extend(content)
return div
[docs]def create_header(title_str, doc, level=0, parse_text=False): """ Create a header element. Because headers need to be referenced by later elements, references to the last found header is remembered. """ if not isinstance(doc, pf.Doc): raise ValueError('create_header without Doc element') if parse_text: title = parse_fragment(title_str)[0].content else: title = destringify(title_str) header = pf.Header(*title, level=level) remember_element(doc, header)
return header
[docs]def create_image(filename, descr, elem, add_descr=True, block=True): """Create an image element.""" img = pf.Image(url=filename, classes=ELEMENT_CLASSES['IMAGE']) if add_descr: descr = parse_fragment(descr, as_doc=True) img.title = shorten( pf.stringify(descr).strip(), width=125, placeholder="...") else: img.title = descr if block: ret = pf.Div(pf.Plain(img), classes=ELEMENT_CLASSES['FIGURE']) remember_element(elem.doc, ret) if add_descr: ret.content.append(descr.content[0]) else: remember_element(elem.doc, img) ret = img
return ret
[docs]def parse_ex_args(cmd_args, *names): """receive a list of argument names and a list of values and return a pandoc conformant argument array containing element's arguments. In other words: take a list of arguments and make them named arguments for easier referencing.""" if len(names) != len(cmd_args): log('invalid args: %s, args: %s' % (names, cmd_args), 'ERROR') raise ValueError("Warning: Expected different number of args: {}" .format(cmd_args)) ret = [] for idx, name in enumerate(names): ret.append([name, cmd_args[idx]])
return ret