Source code for innoconv_mintmod.utils

"""Utility module"""

import os
import json
from shutil import which
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
import sys

import panflute as pf
from panflute.elements import from_json

from innoconv_mintmod.constants import (
from innoconv_mintmod.errors import ParseError

[docs]def log(msg_string, level='INFO'): """Log messages when running as a panzer filter. :param msg_string: Message that is logged :type msg_string: str :param level: Log level (``INFO``, ``WARNING``, ``ERROR`` OR ``CRITICAL``) :type level: str """ outgoing = {'level': level, 'message': msg_string} outgoing_json = json.dumps(outgoing) + '\n' if hasattr(sys.stderr, 'buffer'): outgoing_bytes = outgoing_json.encode(ENCODING) sys.stderr.buffer.write(outgoing_bytes) else: sys.stderr.write(outgoing_json)
[docs]def get_panzer_bin(): """Get path of panzer binary.""" panzer_bin = which('panzer') if panzer_bin is None or not os.path.exists(panzer_bin): raise OSError('panzer executable not found!')
return panzer_bin
[docs]def parse_fragment(parse_string, as_doc=False, from_format='latex+raw_tex'): """Parse a source fragment using panzer. :param parse_string: Source fragment :type parse_string: str :param as_doc: Return elements as :class:`panflute.elements.Doc` :type as_doc: bool :param from_format: Source format :type from_format: str :rtype: list of :class:`panflute.base.Element` or :class:`panflute.elements.Doc` :returns: parsed elements :raises OSError: if panzer executable is not found :raises RuntimeError: if panzer recursion depth is exceeded :raises RuntimeError: if panzer output could not be parsed """ root_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), '..') panzer_cmd = [ get_panzer_bin(), '---panzer-support', os.path.join(root_dir, '.panzer'), '--from={}'.format(from_format), '--to=json', '--metadata=style:innoconv', ] # pass nesting depth as ENV var recursion_depth = int(os.getenv('INNOCONV_RECURSION_DEPTH', '0')) env = os.environ.copy() env['INNOCONV_RECURSION_DEPTH'] = str(recursion_depth + 1) if recursion_depth > 10: raise RuntimeError("Panzer recursion depth exceeded!") proc = Popen(panzer_cmd, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, env=env) out, err = proc.communicate( input=parse_string.encode(ENCODING), timeout=PANZER_TIMEOUT) out = out.decode(ENCODING) err = err.decode(ENCODING) if proc.returncode != 0: log(err, level='ERROR') raise RuntimeError("panzer process exited with non-zero return code.") # only print filter messages for better output log match = REGEX_PATTERNS['PANZER_OUTPUT'].search(err) if match: for line in'messages').strip().splitlines(): log(u'↳ %s' % line.strip(), level='INFO') else: raise RuntimeError("Unable to parse panzer output: {}".format(err)) doc = json.loads(out, object_pairs_hook=from_json) if as_doc: return doc
return doc.content.list # pylint: disable=dangerous-default-value
[docs]def to_inline(elem, classes=[], attributes={}): """Convert any given pandoc element to inline element(s). Some information may be lost.""" if not classes: classes = getattr(elem, 'classes', []) if not attributes: attributes = getattr(elem, 'attributes', {}) if isinstance(elem, pf.Inline): return elem elif isinstance(elem, pf.CodeBlock): return pf.Code(elem.text, classes=classes, attributes=attributes) elif isinstance(elem, pf.RawBlock): return pf.RawInline(elem.text, format=elem.format) elif isinstance(elem, pf.Block): elems = elem.content elif isinstance(elem, list): elems = elem # dont nest too many spans if len(elems) == 1: return to_inline(elems[0], classes=classes, attributes=attributes) ret = [to_inline(x, classes=classes, attributes=attributes) for x in elems]
return pf.Span(*ret, classes=classes, attributes=attributes)
[docs]def destringify(string): """Takes a string and transforms it into list of Str and Space objects. This function breaks down strings with whitespace. It could be done by calling :func:`parse_fragment` but doesn't have the overhead involed. :Example: >>> destringify('foo bar\tbaz') [Str(foo), Space, Str(bar), Space, Str(baz)] :param string: String to transform :type string: str :rtype: list :returns: list of :class:`panflute.Str` and :class:`panflute.Space` """ ret = [] split = string.split() for word in split: ret.append(pf.Str(word)) if split.index(word) != len(split) - 1: ret.append(pf.Space())
return ret
[docs]def parse_cmd(text): r""" Parse a LaTeX command using regular expressions. Parses a command like: ``\foo{bar}{baz}`` :param text: String to parse :type text: str :rtype: (str, list) :returns: command name and list of command arguments """ match = REGEX_PATTERNS['CMD'].match(text) if not match: raise ParseError("Could not parse LaTeX command: '%s'" % text) groups = match.groups() cmd_name = groups[0] cmd_args, _ = parse_nested_args(groups[1])
return cmd_name, cmd_args
[docs]def parse_nested_args(to_parse): r""" Parse LaTeX command arguments that can have nested commands. Returns arguments and rest string. Parses strings like: ``{bar}{baz{}}rest`` into ``[['bar', 'baz{}'], 'rest']``. :param to_parse: String to parse :type to_parse: str :rtype: (list, str) :returns: parsed arguments and rest string """ pargs = [] if to_parse.startswith('{'): stack = [] for i, cha in enumerate(to_parse): if not stack and cha != '{': break elif cha == '{': stack.append(i) elif cha == '}' and stack: start = stack.pop() if not stack: pargs.append(to_parse[start + 1: i]) chars_to_remove = len(''.join(pargs)) + 2 * len(pargs) to_parse = to_parse[chars_to_remove:] if not to_parse: to_parse = None
return (pargs, to_parse)
[docs]def extract_identifier(content): r"""Extract identifier from content and remove annotation element. ``\MLabel`` commands that occur within environments are parsed in a child process (:py:func:`innoconv_mintmod.mintmod_filter.commands.handle_mlabel`). The id attribute can't be set directly as they can't access the whole doc tree. As a workaround they create a fake element and add the identifier. This function extracts the identifier and removes the annotation element. :param content: List of elements :type content: list :rtype: (list, str) :returns: updated content list and identifier (might be ``None``) """ first_child = content[0] identifier = None try: if INDEX_LABEL_PREFIX in first_child.classes: match = REGEX_PATTERNS['LABEL'].match( first_child.identifier) if match: identifier = match.groups()[0] del content[0] # remove id annotation element except AttributeError: pass
return content, identifier
[docs]def remove_empty_paragraphs(doc): """Remove empty paragraphs from document. :param doc: Document :type doc: :py:class:`panflute.elements.Doc` """ # pylint: disable=unused-argument,missing-docstring def rem_para(elem, doc): if isinstance(elem, pf.Para) and not elem.content: return [] # delete element return None
[docs]def remember_element(doc, elem): """Rememember an element in the document for later. To retrieve remembered elements use :py:func:`get_remembered_element`. :param doc: Document where to store the memory :type doc: :py:class:`panflute.elements.Doc` :param elem: Element to remember :type elem: :py:class:`panflute.base.Element` """
doc.remembered_element = elem
[docs]def get_remembered_element(doc): """Retrieve rememembered element from the document and forget it. To remember elements use :py:func:`remember_element`. :param doc: Document where the element is stored :type doc: :py:class:`panflute.elements.Doc` :rtype: :py:class:`panflute.base.Element` :returns: The remembered element or `None` """ try: elem = doc.remembered_element except AttributeError: return None del doc.remembered_element
return elem
[docs]def block_wrap(elem, orig_elem): """Wraps an element in a block if necessary. If the original element was block panflute expects the return value to be also block. In many places we need to detect this and wrap an inline. :param elem: Element to be wrapped :type elem: :py:class:`panflute.base.Element` :param orig_elem: Original element :type orig_elem: :py:class:`panflute.base.Element` :rtype: :py:class:`panflute.base.Element` :returns: ``elem`` or ``elem`` wrapped in :py:class:`panflute.elements.Plain` """ if isinstance(orig_elem, pf.Block): return pf.Plain(elem)
return elem