
Handle mintmod LaTeX environments.


Provide a handle_ENVNAME function for handling ENVNAME environment. You need to slugify the environment name.

Example: handle_mxcontent method will receive the \begin{MXContent}…\end{MXContent} environment.

class innoconv_mintmod.mintmod_filter.environments.Environments[source]

Handlers for environments are defined here.

Given the environment:

\begin{MXContent}{Foo title long}{Foo title}{STD}
    Foo content

The handler method handle_mxcontent receives the following arguments:

handle_html(elem_content, env_args, elem)[source]

Handle \html environment.

handle_itemize(elem_content, env_args, elem)[source]

Handle itemize environments, that were not correctly recognized by pandoc. This e.g. happens if there are \MExerciseItems environments contained in the items.

handle_mcontent(elem_content, env_args, elem)[source]

Handle \MContent environment.

handle_mcoshzusatz(elem_content, env_args, elem)[source]

Handle \MCOSHZusatz environment.

handle_mexample(elem_content, env_args, elem)[source]

Handle \MExample command.

handle_mexercise(elem_content, env_args, elem)[source]

Handle \MExercise environment.

handle_mexercisecollection(elem_content, env_args, elem)[source]

Handle \MExerciseCollection environment.

handle_mexerciseitems(elem_content, env_args, elem)[source]

Handle \MExerciseitems environments by returning an ordered list containing the \item s defined in the environment. This is needed on top of handle_itemize as there are also mexerciseitems environments outside itemize environments.

handle_mexercises(elem_content, env_args, elem)[source]

Handle \MExercises environment.

handle_mexperiment(elem_content, env_args, elem)[source]

Handle \MExperiment environment.

handle_mhint(elem_content, env_args, elem)[source]

Handle \MHint command.

handle_minfo(elem_content, env_args, elem)[source]

Handle \MInfo environment.

handle_mintro(elem_content, env_args, elem)[source]

Handle \MIntro environment.

handle_mquestiongroup(elem_content, env_args, elem)[source]

Handle \MQuestionGroup environments. That are used to group together exercises, in order to allow synchronous validation. Especially used in checkbox grids. In mintmod, a button is also rendered below the contained exercises in the group. This function just returns a div with a class, in order to leave the validation logic, to client scripts

handle_msectionstart(elem_content, env_args, elem)[source]

Handle \MSectionStart environment.

handle_mtest(elem_content, env_args, elem)[source]

Handle \MTest environment.

handle_mxcontent(elem_content, env_args, elem)[source]

Handle \MXContent environment.

handle_mxinfo(elem_content, env_args, elem)[source]

Handle \MXInfo environment.