Source code for innoconv_mintmod.mintmod_filter.filter_action

"""Pandoc filter that transforms mintmod commands."""

from os import environ
import panflute as pf
from slugify import slugify

from innoconv_mintmod.errors import ParseError
from innoconv_mintmod.constants import (
from innoconv_mintmod.utils import (
from innoconv_mintmod.mintmod_filter.environments import Environments
from innoconv_mintmod.mintmod_filter.commands import Commands
from innoconv_mintmod.mintmod_filter.math import handle_math

[docs]class MintmodFilterAction: """The Pandoc filter is defined in this class.""" def __init__(self, debug=False): self._debug = debug self._commands = Commands() self._environments = Environments()
[docs] def filter(self, elem, doc): """ Receive document elements. This method receives document elements from Pandoc and delegates handling of simple subtitutions, mintmod commands and environments. :param elem: Element to handle :type elem: :class:`panflute.base.Element` :param doc: Document :type doc: :class:`panflute.elements.Doc` """ if elem is None: raise ValueError("elem must not be None!") if doc is None: raise ValueError("doc must not be None!") # simple command subtitutions in Math environments if isinstance(elem, pf.Math): return handle_math(elem) if hasattr(elem, "format") and elem.format == "latex": # block commands and environments if isinstance(elem, pf.RawBlock): cmd_name, cmd_args = parse_cmd(elem.text) try: if cmd_name == "begin": return self._handle_environment(elem) return self._handle_command(cmd_name, cmd_args, elem) except TypeError as err: self._handle_typeerror(err, cmd_name, cmd_args, elem) # inline commands (no inline environments!) elif isinstance(elem, pf.RawInline): cmd_name, cmd_args = parse_cmd(elem.text) try: return self._handle_command(cmd_name, cmd_args, elem) except TypeError as err: self._handle_typeerror(err, cmd_name, cmd_args, elem) return None # element unchanged
def _handle_command(self, cmd_name, cmd_args, elem): """Parse and handle mintmod commands.""" if ( bool(environ.get("INNOCONV_REMOVE_EXERCISES", False)) and cmd_name in EXERCISE_CMDS_ENVS ): return [] function_name = "handle_%s" % slugify(cmd_name) func = getattr(self._commands, function_name, None) if callable(func): return func(cmd_args, elem) if ( not bool(environ.get("INNOCONV_IGNORE_EXERCISES", False)) or cmd_name not in EXERCISE_CMDS_ENVS ): if len(cmd_name) == 1: log( "1-character-command '{}': {}".format(cmd_name, elem), level="WARNING", ) log("Parent: {}".format(elem.parent)) else: log("Could not handle command %s." % cmd_name, level="WARNING") if self._debug: return self._unknown_command_debug(cmd_name, elem) return None @staticmethod def _unknown_command_debug(cmd_name, elem): """Handle unknown latex commands. Output visual feedback about the unknown command. """ classes = ELEMENT_CLASSES["DEBUG_UNKNOWN_CMD"] + [slugify(cmd_name)] msg_prefix = pf.Strong(*destringify("Unhandled command:")) if isinstance(elem, pf.Block): div = pf.Div(classes=classes) div.content.extend([pf.Para(msg_prefix), pf.CodeBlock(elem.text)]) return div # RawInline span = pf.Span(classes=classes) span.content.extend([msg_prefix, pf.Space(), pf.Code(elem.text)]) return span def _handle_environment(self, elem): """Parse and handle mintmod environments.""" match = REGEX_PATTERNS["ENV"].search(elem.text) if match is None: raise ParseError( "Could not parse LaTeX environment: %s..." % elem.text[:50] ) env_name ="env_name") inner_code = match.groups()[1] if ( bool(environ.get("INNOCONV_REMOVE_EXERCISES", False)) and env_name in EXERCISE_CMDS_ENVS ): return [] # Parse optional arguments env_args, rest = parse_nested_args(inner_code) function_name = "handle_%s" % slugify(env_name) func = getattr(self._environments, function_name, None) if callable(func): return func(rest, env_args, elem) if ( not bool(environ.get("INNOCONV_IGNORE_EXERCISES", False)) or env_name not in EXERCISE_CMDS_ENVS ): log("Could not handle environment %s." % env_name, level="WARNING") if self._debug: return self._unknown_environment_debug(env_name, elem) return None @staticmethod def _unknown_environment_debug(env_name, elem): """Handle unknown latex environment. Output visual feedback about the unknown environment. """ classes = ELEMENT_CLASSES["DEBUG_UNKNOWN_ENV"] + [slugify(env_name)] div = pf.Div(classes=classes) div.content.extend( [ pf.Para(pf.Strong(*destringify("Unhandled environment:"))), pf.CodeBlock(elem.text), ] ) return div @staticmethod def _handle_typeerror(err, name, args, elem): log( "TypeError at command name={} args={} elem={}: {}".format( name, args, elem.__class__.__name__, err ) ) import traceback # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel traceback.print_tb(err.__traceback__)